Play Panel/ Splash Screen in Preferences?

• Jan 9, 2015 - 15:11

Do you have you noticed that the option "Show Play Panel " do not work in the Preferences (Edit -> Preferences) ?

If I tick or untick the button, nothing happens (after OK and Reload)

Furthermore, I do not understand (or it does not work also? ), the option just above: "Show Splash Screen".

Same: tick or untick, I doesn't see the change?

Would I misunderstood something? Thanks.


I replied to a post the other day that changing the default score from "my first score" to something else didn't work. Now I just tried to change settings from various panels in Prefs, no changes are being recorded in the INI.

In reply to by schepers

Hmm, INI changes are working *in general* for me. I tried a few random settings - incuding both specifying a different start score and changing default zoom level - and they were save / loaded just fine. Something unusual about your configuration? What OS, have your tried -F, etc?

However, I can confirm the Play Panel checkbox, while dutifully saved and loaded, seems to have no effect.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am on an Active Directory here with some folder redirection, but not at home. I will test at home later.

If I launch MS, and enable some settings (Show Play Panel, Show Navigator), they are saved in the INI when MS quits (shownavigator=true, showplaypanel=true).

If I watch the folder where the INI is located (C:\Users\schepers\AppData\Roaming\MuseScore), when I launch MS the INI is removed (!) and the settings are not loaded. If I manually change some settings in the INI, they are still not loaded because the INI is gone.

Custom build, Windows 8.1u1 64-bit.

Additional info: If I edit the INI to change some settings (so most of the Show settings are now true) and set the INI file attribute to "read only", the INI no longer gets deleted on MS load, but the settings are still ignored and I get factory default settings.

In reply to by schepers

Ah, problem found and solved! I had a shortcut on my desktop to launch MS with -F (for a very quick way to factory reset). Somehow, even by removing the icon from the taskbar, manually launching Musescore.exe from BIN, and pinning it, the taskbar icon was still getting linked to the "factory reset" link instead. Once I deleted the shortcut I could pin the normal EXE, and things are working better.

However, the OP's original complaint about "Show Play Panel" is true, the switch does nothing.

The "Show Splash Screen" switch works for me. Enabled you see the initial "Musescore version 2.0 beta 2" screen. It's only visible for a second (for me).

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