make music theory papers - allow hidden notes, etc

• Jan 9, 2015 - 19:03


I am wanting to write my own music theory papers to give my students extra practice.
It would be great to be able to hide notes, rests, clefs, time/key signatures, etc so that students could fill in the missing (hidden) parts.
Most programs (Lily Pond is the only exception I have found) will insist on completing the bars and won't let you leave notes out. It would be great if we could just be able to make things invisible so when it is printed out the student can fill it in him/herself.
I think that a lot of teachers could make use of this function!


You already can hide just about anything you want. In 1.3, right click the thing you want to hide, then "Set Invisible". In 2.0 beta/nightly builds, click then press "V" or use the Inspector.

If you know you won't want *any* clefs or time/key signatures, simply turn then off using Style / General and/or Staff Properties.

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