New requests ?

• Jan 12, 2015 - 14:39

I did not find how to reproduce the attachment

I found it in IMSLP339775-PMLP548068-H424_Reniement_de_St-Pierre.pdf from Marc-Antoine Charpentier

Should it be added to request related te barock notation ?

Attachment Size
capture d'écran15.png 74.96 KB


Do you mean the notes starting in bar 203 that are beamed but use half-note type heads? I guess these are meant to be quarter notes in duration? You could do that with a little work. Enter them as eighth notes, but enter two of each note. Hide every other one (both stems and notes), then change the remaining notehead types to "half" using the Inspector.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

From what I know of Baroque notation systems I suspect that is an invention of the transcriber.

The other transcription available of this piece from IMSLP notates this section conventionally with crotchets.

I may be wrong, of course, French Baroque is not my specialist area.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Forget it, I lost myself in the web :-(
I searched for a doubt: there was a period in which the notes were white, and their duration was indicated with beam and stem (I read somewhere and I can not track down it) and perhaps this way of writing meant to be a tribute to tradition?

Looking here and there I had found this score (which supports your hypothesis)

I fear that my are just ramblings, excuse me.

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