problems with multiple endings

• Jan 29, 2015 - 01:21

I have a song with 3 verses, all the same, 1st & 2nd endings are the same, but 3 ending is different. I have written it using the same ending for 1 & 2 verse with repeat signs at end and at the beginning of the score, then a 3 ending. Musescore plays verse 1 & 2 just as directed, but then goes directly to the 3rd ending - does not play the 3rd verse. Any ideas?


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc. I found the repeat dialog box so now it plays the 3rd verse, but for some reason it won't drop to the 3rd ending - it still plays the 1,2 ending, but skips the first measure of that then drops to the 3rd ending. Weird I know - guess I am just having one of those days. I did, however, find my handbook so maybe I can find out how to fix that problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, I've tried several things and nothing gets the right results. I have added measures for the third verse at the end now, and have a first verse with first ending then repeat for the second verse, which has a second ending then goes on to the third verse and final ending. I got it to repeat the correct number of times now, but it does not jump down to the second ending, and, when it plays the first ending the second time through (which it shouldn't play at all) it skips the 1st measure of that ending, then plays the rest jumping down to second ending then follows on to the end. Really weird and I can't find anything to help. I'm attaching the score and would certainly appreciate help or an opinion before I pull my hair out.

Twyla C

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My_Lord,_What_Love_Is_This.mscz 10.02 KB

In reply to by twylaC

The problem is you extended your 1'st ending using the mouse. Using the mouse appears to work but doesn't do what you want. Instead, select the 1'st ending line, Ctrl-R to reset it, then double-click it and use shift-rightarrow to extend the line to the end of the first repeat.

In reply to by schepers

Thanks, Shepers! I did not use the mouse to extend the 1st ending, I used the arrow key BUT I didn't use the shift key with it, so I was drawing it out farther but it was still attached to the second measure of the ending. That totally fixed all my problems - thanks so much!

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