Saving the background colour on scores - please help!

• Jan 29, 2015 - 11:23


When I save my score to my computer, it saves with a white background but I need to keep the lovely coloured background and can't figure out what I'm going wrong! Please give your advice if you know what I'm doing wrong!! Thank you.


I don't think you're doing anything wrong, except misunderstanding that background setting, it is for display on the PC inside MuseScore only.

In reply to by amdb49

I don't think it's possible. They are meant to simulate the look of textured paper, but I guess it's assumed that if you want that look when printing, you'd simply use textured paper :-)

It's probably possible to find some sort of PDF editor or special printer software that automatically inserts texture. Or even just print in two passes - print the fake texture from some graphics program, then re-use the paper when printing from MuseScore.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks a lot for your attention.
Actually, I am using a virtual printer (PDFCreator) or exporting to .pdf format in order to project the score on a screen. Some comments on this forum explained how to convert the result to .png and modify the colours, and that is a lengthy but workable solution.
It would be great if the next version of Musescore could include a simpler way to obtain this result :+)
Best regards.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

So to clarify, even though the page background is not true white while in the program, when I generate a PDF, the page will be white? I ask because When I put images with white background on the page, the white in the image doesn't match the score background.

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