
• Jan 30, 2015 - 02:13

Could you please bring back Ctr Alt T for tempo changes. I use Musescore a lot for playback and the new way is way more complicated and confusing. Also will there ever be something for ritards or accellerandos for playback?


It you are referring to the beta/nightly builds for 2.0, the shortcut has been simplified to Alt+T. There is also a Tempo palette to make it easier for people to discover the feature - I guess that is what you mean by "the new way". Not sure what you find complicated and confusing about it - it should work as simply as all the other palettes. But anyhow, you don't have to use the palette.

I didn't like the "new way" at first, either but then I found that [Alt]-t is easy and if you try it you'll see that it also has an intelligent guess at inserting the correct note symbol with a crotchet = 80 when you're in 4/4 time and a dotted crotchet when you're in 3/8, for instance. Also, it means anyone with difficulty using a mouse (or seeing the pointer) can do it all from the keyboard.

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