saving score for older version?
I was using MuseScore 2.0 Beta 2 on Mac OS X 10.7.5. Found a bug (unable to remove a "ghost slur") so tried this score in a nightly build from several weeks ago. There I could delete the item and move on. But I'd like to go back to using the "more stable" Beta 2 version, and it won't let me open this score now that a later version's saved it.
What is my recourse for getting this back into the older version (Export to abc, xml, some other hidden trick?) or am I just out of luck?
Also, any chance of being able to export to the even stabler version (1.3)?
You can try via MusicXML. File -> Export.
Have you tried to load that score in 2.0 Beta 2, by overriding that message? This usually works.
Also the nightlies are not any less stable, so you could as well continue using those.
Indeed, most of the current nightly builds should be considerably more stable than the beta 2 - there have been two months worth of bug fixes since then.