Cannot save as WAV audio file

• Feb 26, 2015 - 07:56

Hi, I cannot save my music note as audio files of WAV, FLAC, and OGG.

I could save it as graphic files such as PDF and could export to other format such as XML format.
Although, I cannot save it as audio files except MIDI file.
I could save it as MIDI file; however, the sould quality is too poor and the created music sounds totally different from what I expected.

My computer is Windows8.1, bought in Sydney.
The musescore is 1.3version which is the latest version.

Could someone help me with saving a musescore file as high quality audio file (such as WAV), please?


When you say you can't save it, what sp[ecifically goes wrong when you try? You see some sort of error messsge? A file is generated but is corrupt? No file is generated?

BTW, MIDI is not audio; it's more like a piano roll. it just contains instructions that say what notes to play when. It is up to the program that interprets the file to choose sounds. So the quality could be amazingly or terrible depending on wjhat program you use.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your advise.

I would like to save my musescore as WAV audio file.

When I press "save as...", choose "WAV audio file (.wav)", name "title" and press "Save", nothing happened.
No audio file appeared in the selected location and no error message appeared.
Completely silent.

Although, when I save it as any other sorts of files such as PDF, XML format, a new file appears in the selected file location.
But, MIDI files are terrible quality of sounds.

Do you have any idea to save it as good quality audio file?

In reply to by gomachan

MIDI files do not contain sounds.

They contain the instructions for a synth to play them.

Consequently if you are experiencing bad quality sounds it is down to the synth playing them - NOT the MIDI file.

Are you, by any chance, trying to play them on the Windows internal GS synth?

If so that would account for the poor quality.

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