System formatting

• Feb 26, 2015 - 11:46

Dear Sir,
I have been delighted to find your MuseScore programme. It came to my rescue after failing to move Mozart from Widows to my Apple Computer.
On Monday despair, on Tuesday success! - or nearly.
I have searched your Help desk both in the programme and online but cannot resolve my problem.

I wish to close the space between staves (and less importantly reduce the length of the bars)
I do not know how to attach an example.
I have tried selecting ALL (so that all the notes and text are blue and surrounded by a blue frame) and then STYLE / PAGE / STAVE DISTANCE and GREAT STAVE DISTANCE and APPLY and am then told on the INSPECTOR, NOTHING SELECTED. Nothing has happened as a result of my efforts.
I tried the same using STYLE / SYSTEM but whatever I changed the outcome was the same, INSPECTOR, NOTHING SELECTED. No change.
Please can you help?


Welcome aboard...

To adjust the space between staves, see:
The above settings apply to the whole score. There's no need to 'select all' (to turn everything blue).

Also, please be aware that:
1. Staff distance: the distance between staves within a single system.
2. System distance: the distance between systems. For music with just one staff per system, this is basically the distance between staves.

To reduce (or increase) the length of bars (measures):
1. Select one or more bars (turns blue).
2. Pressing left curly bracket { decreases stretch. Right curly bracket } increases stretch. See:

Other handy things:

Attaching an example to a forum post:
When you make a forum post -- 'File attachments' can be found above the 'Save' and 'Preview' buttons. Click on it and browse to the file you wish to attach.


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