double sharp in 2 voices music spacing issue

• Mar 1, 2015 - 16:35

Hello all

Depending upon the key signature, in order to enter a double sharp, it must often be selected from the note entry menu.

When 2 voices, (sharing the same pitch) are a double sharp, the music is not spaced correctly. Both double sharps appear. When one is hidden, the notes are still spaced as if the double sharp is visible. Adjusting the spacing must then be done by selecting notes and individually positioning them across the measure, which is time consuming.

see attached
note spacing example.png

This does not happen if the 2 notes share a more typical accidental. (because sharps and flats can be entered by selecting note and using up/down arrow keys. When notes are entered this way, the duplicate accidental does not appear and the music is spaced correctly)

is there a way to either:
…set the note spacing so that invisible elements are "ignored", or
…is there another way to enter a double sharp if not supported by key signature?


Attachment Size
note spacing example.png 18.74 KB


Second question is easier to answer: yes, there is another way to enter a double sharp in 2.0 builds, and it solves the spacing problem. Enter "G", then press "J" once or twice as necessary to toggle the enharmonic spelling. This will add the accidental in a way that doesn't force it to display unless needed, which it isn't here.

As for the first question, no you can't make invisible elements be ignored. But you can simply move them so they they overlap, and the spacing fixes itself (might require a Ctrl+A or other op[eration to take full effect). So that's a lot easier and more effective than moving the rest of notes. This is what shoichi's picture above is showing - moving the accidental, not the notes.

Thanks, its good to know about moving rest with inspector, that will be useful.

I should have remembered the J command. Could it be put in the next handbook, maybe under "note entry" or under "accidentals"? thanks.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I couldn't re-create this 'issue' in either 1.3 or the prereleases of 2.0, but I don't understand the original example. It shows a case where (1) there are no sharps in the key signature, and (2) the note in question was not already notated as a sharp in the measure in question - so I can't think of any reason why a double-sharp would be used at all.

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