What key is a four-hole ocarina in/instrument will sub in MuseScore?

• Mar 4, 2015 - 02:45

This seems like a stupid question, but I'm trying to put some thoughts into MuseScore and am learning the ocarina. I wanted to add music for it, but it's not an option. What would be a comparable instrument to substitute for it in MuseScore? I'm adding violin and the rainstick (if I can figure out how to notate that-- any ideas), too.

Thank you!


Actually, there are a whole slew of ocarinas predefined for MuseScore. In 1.3, click the "show more" box to see more instruments; ocarinas are under Woodwinsds. In 2.0 prerelease builds, select "Ethnic instruments" or "All instruments" or in the dropdown.

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