
• Mar 16, 2015 - 19:52

In the MuseScore 2 R.C I have encounter numerous crashing issues across all of my computers (so I know its not an issue with just my computer) this crash occurs when ever copy and past certain amounts of music (5 measures or more) or try to delete the same amount. my computers have Intel core 2 duo's and core 2 Quad's, and one has a gtx 750 ti (in-case it is a hardware related issue) if anyone can help me with this issue it would be much appreciated.


In order to help, se need to be able to reproduce the problem. So it is very important that you attach actual score - see the File attachments button below where you type. Then describe *precisely*, step by step, what you are selecting and how you are selecting it, and where you are trying to paste to. Also describe how the score was created - was it created from scratch in the RC, was it imported from 1.3 or from MusicXML or some other format, was it created in some earlier build, etc.

My guess is your score has one or more a corrupt measures in it - did MuseScore warn you about this on loading the score? - and that is what is causing the crash. If so, then understanding how the corruption happened in the first place will be crucial to solving the problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc Sabatella
I have had some issues recreating the crash (it happens randomly, and due to my computer having a very old CPU i'm staring to think the program was killed off by windows because I was pushing the CPU to hard with other programs in the background running. I was using the score for Whiplash and copy and past the whole score to move it from piano to flute (not thinking to go into staff properties and just change the instrument).
it did warn me of 1 corrupted measure (only the first time i opened the file) but everything seemed fine, playback was fine and no missing notes. I don't know why it was corrupt because i just downloaded it from the link seen earlier in this reply.
another person said it might also have to do with the score having lots of triplets and a rather odd time sig.

In reply to by duncan2988

I would say it is doubtful you were taxing the CPU just copying and pasting a few dozen measures. The problem is much more likely the corruption . I don't get a message about corruption just opening the original file as downloaded, so the corruption must have been caused during your copy and paste or whatever else you did. There were a handful of bugs just fixed a few days ago week (after the RC) involving copy and paste of tuplets, and very possibly those bugs caused the corruption. But again, we'd need steps to reproduce the problem.

As it is, looking at the score, copying to a new staff in the same score should have worked fine in the RC - even copying the entire range - and it does for me in the current build. But copying to a new score would potentially have caused problems if you didn't match all the time signature changes first. And trying to copy individual measure ranges might also have caused problems if the barlines didn't match. We are suppsed to detect an attempt to copy a tuplet across a barline or an incomplete tuplet, but some of those checks weren't working, and there was also a problem with copying of septuplets.

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