Paste lyrics are misplacing syllabels

• Mar 19, 2015 - 09:53

v2 rc


Trying to paste a chunk of lyrics from one place to another,
and Musescore place it wrong:

Paste lyric.png


BTW: Move syllables right (/left)
and an option for pasting one syllable at a time would be handy
(is there such a thing?)


I'm not understanding the problem from the picture - I can't tell what is happening to cause what you are seeing. Can you post the score *before* the copy, and precise steps to reproduce the problem?

I think maybe you are trying to paste lyrics from a passage with a different rhythm, and that just isn't going to work. Or perhaps your source was missing the extenders for the syllables under the ties?

There is no option to move syllables right/left, but there is a pretty coool facility to paste a syllable at a time. Try selecting the following text:

Your dream is writ-ten in your hand,_ _

Then click a note, press Ctrl+L, and hit Ctrl+V repeatedly. The selected text adds itself one note/syllable at a time.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This seems a good opportunity to mention a slightly annoying thing about lyrics, nicely illustrated in the OP's example. "Your dream" (particularly) and "you just" have rather narrow space between the words, and I have noticed this several times in my scores, including the recent revision 3543170 which I am using. I have had to resort to inserting a Ctrl-space for readability. This is the case with FreeSerif and FreeSans fonts.

In a printed sheet from a version 1.3 score this was also the case, and I constantly find it difficult to read.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, I'll try playing with that - but I may have to rely on my Ctrl-space work round as the lyrics usually *increase* the note distance as you enter them. So a separate setting would be really nice, or just a greater minimum separation of words (including word/melisma combinations) set in the code. For me, this is just as important as nice layout of notes and symbols, on which I congratulate you for making some significant improvements.

In reply to by Jon Foote

Thanks, and do try it :-). I believe the minimum note distance setting actually doubles as a minimum lyric diatance setting; I wasn't suggesting it because it would space the notes out more. The only downside is it also spaces notes that *don't* have lyrics. And, there are a number of fixed settings that we hope to eventually make customizable.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, it works as you describe. The downside, that it also spaces notes where the lyric spacing is not a problem, may mean that a score no longer fits on one page, for example. This means that the Ctrl-space work round is sometimes a better option, as I don't want to play with other settings to shrink the score back onto one page. So I would still be pleased if this issue, of a separate minimum lyric word distance, is addressed for 2.1, but it's not a great problem for now. Would it be helpful if I spell this out in the Feature Request forum or Issue tracker?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Try selecting the following text:
Your dream is writ-ten in your hand,_ _
Then click a note, press Ctrl+L, and hit Ctrl+V repeatedly. The selected text adds itself one note/syllable at a time.

This doesn't seem to work when copy lyric is done from "copy all similar objects"
But works when I select your text above.

In reply to by G-Sun

What I am guessing is, the *reason* the that "ten" and "just" is placed on a tied note is that either the rhythms were different between the source and destination, or else you had not entered the necessary extenders in the source. Copy and poaste of lyrics depends on both of those things in order to be able to figure out which syllables go with which notes.

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