Part extraction: sheet = 1 staff, part-export = different staffs (if multi voice)

• Mar 26, 2015 - 23:06

Hello there,

the new version of MuseScore (2.0) is very great. Thanks for this improvements already, guys!

Is it somehow possible to have different voices for the extract parts but a single staff (for these voices combined) in the original sheet? Or is there at least some workaround?

Backgroudn information:
The new part extraction and "linking" feature seems nice. Unfortunately it mixes up my workflow a bit and I am wondering if I might do something wrong. I have the following problem:

When I am writing for a big orchestra or a big band, I first create the whole sheet with all voices in one file. I really like to use only one staff for one instrument-type but for more than one voice sometimes. So let's keep it simple and let's say I have 2 trumpets, a bass and drums = I would have a sheet with 3 staffs in which the trumpet staff may contain 2-voice chords for polyphonic voices of the trumpets - but I do only use the 1st voice in this staff - it already fits my needs. That's the sheet ... 3 staffs and one staff with "polyphonic notes, like 2-voice chords".

In MuseScore 1.3 I would now extract the parts (4 parts: 1st trumpet, 2nd trumpet, bass and drums). For the 1st and 2nd trumpet I would now run a script, which deletes either the upper note or the lower note so that in the end I would have the only voice the trumpet (1st or 2nd) had to play.

Maybe some of you will now see what my problem is now with MuseScore 2.0: if I extract the parts, the 2-voiced trumpet staff would still have 2 voices. I cannot delete them, since it is linked to the original sheet.

I tried to write a script in the MuseScore 2.0 qml plugin format, which would help me to hide and mute the unwanted voices in the extracted parts - unluckily it is not enough, since accidentals are still visible and stems are too long or overlapping sometimes. Maybe it is even possible to correct this issue with better plugin-programming? Is this possible and I should repost this thread inside the plugin-forum?

Thank you all for your help and hopefully I will get help here. (=

best wishes,

Attachment Size
VisibleSwitch.qml 8.21 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo-Schmitz,

I am trying to hide other thigns as well, but what about the stem? If I hide a stem of a chord, it hides the whole stem. Is there something I could do regarding the stem / the length / position of the stem?

Edit: And thanks of course!! ... for the fast reply. (=

Edit 2: I see another problem. If I hide the lowest or highest note, which has a staccato-dot, the dot either would also be hidden if I add it into the plugin script, or the only visible left note would have a staccato dot which would be ver far away from the note ... )=

Basically, no, MsueScore does not support extracting two separate parts from multiple voices on a single staff.

If I wanted to create scores with parts combined like that (I don't find it worth the trouble, personally), I would create *three* staves: one for the first part, one for the second, and one for the combined parts. I'd mark the first two invisible in Edit / Instruments, leaving only the staff for the combined part. Then when generating parts, I'd delete the combined part (the part itself; leaving the staff in the score), keeping only the individual parts. I just tried it and it seems to work fine, even though the staves for the individual parts are invisible in the score.

Only downside is that the parts aren't truly linked - well, they are linked to the individual staves, not the combined staff. So I'd simply wait until I was done editing before setting that up. But it takes only a few seconds to set up.

In reply to by ManuelS

You can also still use the same workflow you used in 1.3.
- Create the score with 3 staves
- Create the parts
- Export the parts to MSCZ
- Open the trumpet part and run a script to delete some notes (or use Edit -> Tools -> Explode)
- Save the score as a new score
- Do it again for the other trumpet

Thanks everybody for the precious help.
It seems like the explode/implode function is underestimated and underused, but it's crucial when working with close voicings on a single staff (or double, for that sake) that need to be "exploded", for instance, on a saxophone quintet on a Big Band arrangement. I didn't know it was that smart and easy.
Keep it up!

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