Text title problem

• Apr 7, 2015 - 22:43

On my score I accidently dragged the song title to the middle of a score and it refuses to move back however hard I try to replace it. Any ideas!


You are hit by a bug in MuseScore. It is possible to drag elements outside of their page. After that they are not accessible anymore.
As a workaround you can delete the title frame which will also delete the title text.

In reply to by Terry. Rigler.

To delete the frame, simply click and press Delete.

To add a new title, Add / Text / Title.

BTW, while you can't select the title yourslef, you can get MuseScore to select it for you. Add a new title as shown above, then right click and choose Select / All similar elements. Now you can delete them both together. Or hit Ctrl+R to reset them both, and only delete the new one.

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