Ability to change UI to Negative Colors?

• Apr 10, 2015 - 18:23

Hey Gang:

Trying to catch up with the latest version. You are doing great. A special feature I would love you to consider that wouldn't generally occur to most users.

I am very legally blind, and for those with poor vision, its much better to have a black background with white letters (or symbols) than the usual black on white. Truth is, it would probably be better on EVERYONE'S eyes if the main UI were black, and all wording and symbols white. So much less glare and strain on the eyes. Just a wishful thought!

Thanks, Tom


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I've tried various "themes", but nothing changes does a "complete negative" reversal. For instance, right now I'm writing on black, with yellow print. That's the best theme for me. But in Muse, only the "Shell" changes to black. The buttons are still black letters on bright gray buttons. Oh well... it was just a thought?

You can change the paper color in Edit / Preferences But I don't know a way to make the music not be black by default. You can change colors of things individually, but that won't do you much good. Not sure if anyone else has better ideas?

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