svg export with unique named groups

• Apr 17, 2015 - 05:26


I wonder if it is possible to pass on a minimum of structure information to the exported SVG score.
I would settle for a relatively flat group hierarchy with names or IDs.

My purpose is to access certain SVG elements that correspond to speciffic musical elements in the score.

I imagine something like this would suffice ,

 <g uid="000000000"> <p/>.... </g>

so long as the uinque id can be related to a specific and unique object at export time.

Has anyone tried something remotely along these lines, or is interested if I pursue?



Check out this forum thread:

The thread has gotten lengthy recently, but the functionality you seek seems similar to what I am doing, which is described in the most recent post by me (yesterday), and I attached sample files. It doesn't use GUIDs, the data-chord and data-type values are not unique in the SVG file, but it would not be hard to adapt to created a "data-guid" or "data-uuid" attribute for each element, or for specific types of elements.

In reply to by sideways

Awesome, Thanks for your reply.
Back when I posted this I rolled up my sleeves and cranked out a grouping and naming scheme for the exporter that works quite wellm but given the lack of interest here I never published or shared. Let me know if you are Interested and I'll git share my work.

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