Delete a staff in MuseScore 2.0.0
I created a score with an SATB/Piano template, but now I find I don't need the tenor staff. How do I delete it? The previous answers I've seen to this question tell me to go to Create/Instruments, but MuseScore 2.0 does not have a "Create" menu item. I can click on the "Create" icon, but that starts the creation of a new score. It doesn't allow me to edit the instrument list in the present score.
While we're at it, how do I add a staff? (I might add other instruments as I think of it.)
Never mind. I found it under "Edit / Instruments".
Suggestion: update the documentation when you release a new major version, please.
In reply to Never mind. I found it under by dancurry61
Anywhere you find an error in the documentation, you can actually update it yourself—click the "Edit" tab above the article. And thanks.
In reply to Never mind. I found it under by dancurry61
For the record, the documentation - the Handbook - is already updated. In general, the Handbook should and does reflect 2.0. This particular change was made only a few of weeks before release, so perhaps the page you were looking at was written before then. Can you post a link to the page where you found the outdate information?
In 2.0 this functionality (both addition and deletion of staves) is in the Edit/Instruments dialog, which you can bring up by typing the letter i.