Need new line type

• May 3, 2015 - 17:58

I was recently transposing the bassoon part in The Honored Dead by John Philip Sousa, from the new public domain edition published by the Marine Band. (I've attached the part.)

At the end of the first strain there is first the direction "To Trio" and then "Fine." Both are marked by an overhead line with downturned ends and no other text, like an upside-down pedal marking. This does not exist in the "Lines" palette of Musescore. There is the Pedal line, of course, but the "X" shortcut doesn't turn it over.

Can we get that in Musescore someday?

Attachment Size
Vol1_02Honored_Dead 17.pdf 47.96 KB


Those do indeed look like voltas, so we do already have them. Ypu'd just need to customzie the text.

You can also customzie the appearance of any line - right click it, Line Properties, set up the hooks however you like.

Right you all are. I had tried volta lines, but was so new to Musescore that it didn't occur to me to check the "Properties" field to see if I could eliminate the text. Thanks!

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