Need help transposing

• May 7, 2015 - 17:01

I'm looking for and finding some great scores to use with my concert band, however our Euphonium players all read treble clef. Is there an easy way to do this on the score?

I have talked to one of my Euphonium players and she gave me some pointers, but I don't know how to do these in the software. She said they read the same key as trumpet and clarinet but when I do that and play back the score it sounds awful.
Thanks in advance.

Yes, I'm already using version 2.0.1 I just got a new computer and downloaded it this morning, however I'm not finding the things I need. Consider me a new user and tell me where to find dialog boxes, symbols, menus, etc. I've spent almost all morning trying to find these on my own and if I'd have found them I wouldn't be here asking.


On the 'Add Instruments' dialog, just switch to 'All Instruments', MuseScore provides "Euphonium (Treble Clef)" there (in addition to just "Euphonium"). Transposition should be set up properly (major second + octave down)

In reply to by FarfalleAlfredo

Click on that "Common instruments" and switch to "All instruments"
Then select "Euphonium (Treble Clef)"

Or even easier: just enter Euphon... in the Search box at the bottom (using that will do the switch to "All instruments" for you)

Oh, you don't have that... -> upgrade to MuseScore 2.0.1

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

No need to get snippy, if you don't want to help a new user then save the topic for somebody who does.

Got it transposed in the score, but it did not move the notes, the notes are all the same with a ton of accidentals. How do I get rid of those and make it so an A flat is not a G sharp?

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