Grace notes positioning

• Jun 13, 2010 - 23:52

I have a number of grace notes which are played before the first note in a bar - and my usual notation is to put these at the end of the preceding bar slurred to the main beat in the usual way.

I can only find a way to insert these in between the time signature and the 'music' - which is not good in a piece for more than 1 performer as it creates large empty areas in others' parts.

Is there a way to shift the horizontal position of notes? Alternatively is there a way to create 'floating' grace notes? These could then be placed in the empty measure before the main note.

Any ideas welcome...


In reply to by David Bolton

Thanks for the tip, however, I've discovered that it has a few problems...

If you move a note in a chord, the other notes of the chord do not move as well - it would be very useful to be able to move several notes together. There also seems to be a fairly small limit on the horizontal distance a note can be moved (before it disappears - it can be made to re-appear by dragging back).

In a grace note chord, the ledger lines align with the top pitch (even if that does not need ledger lines), whereas the stem aligns to the bottom note (which is logical).

If you move grace notes, the spacing of a bar is not recalculated, so the space in other parts is still there. Because you cannot move more than one note at a time, this does not help much! If you could, it would be fine.

Cross staff beaming, on the other hand, cannot be applied to different notes within a grace note chord (which would be very useful where chords are split between hands).

Still very impressed though!

In reply to by xavierjazz

I tried this (substituting Command for CTR - I'm on a Mac) - and it will do the first level of select - i.e. the one where you can select invisible etc., but to move a note, you need to go deeper - and holding Command still deselects your first selection at this level...

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