Acciaccatura for chord and acciacatura constituted by chord

• May 24, 2015 - 07:25

I try to write on score an Acciaccatura for chord and this accaciatura is itself constituted by a chord.
All the results of the different possibilities are not quite good:
- with one voice; no possibilities to do that (to add vertical note on the first single Acciaccaritura)
- with two voices; the two Acciaccaturas (constituted eaxh by single note) are always slightly un-aligned , even you change "horizontal alignement". (and also the chord obtained is difficult to put with a suitable form)?

I look unsuccessfull for comments on forum

Could you help me with solution or links to read.

Best regards


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks but
>> one voice: select the grace note, hit Shift+notename
I do that, but nothing happens:
So I do: "select the grace note, select insert mode, ...." : I have no time to do "Shift+ notename" because the selection changes automatically to select the principal chord to which the Acciacatura belongs"
I have the same probleme with Appogiatura instead Acciaccatura

NB: I have the v2.0.1 version

In reply to by zenplus

Works just fine here, same version
but indeed inside note entry mode you can't select an existing grace note (and I didn#t say that you should enter note input mode). It is selected though when 1st added (via double click into palette) and can then get added to.

While in note input mode, try the following:

1) press C to enter a C
2) press "/" to add a grace note
3) press "Down" to change its pitch to B
4) press "Shift+D" to add a D to the grace note chord

This works just fine.

Or, if you have already entered the note and grace note and and then entered more notes but then change your mind and wish to add a grace note to the chord,

1) Use the *left arrow key* (not clicking) to return the cursor to the note in question. You'll see the note input cursor (rectangle) on the main note.
2) Press "Left" one more time. Note input cursor remains on the main note, but the grace note is now highlighted
3) Press "Shift+D" to add a D to the grace note chord

Or, if you are *not* in note input mode:

1) click the grace note
2) press "Shift+D"

I read your post this evening
Jojo, yes I know that you don't indicate to select "note input mode": But It only was an attempt because I hadn't success with the adviced manipulation.

Marc thanks for describing all these possibilities: I discover some mechanism I didn't know

Now all is OK ; I guess It didn't previously work .... because I didn't close the "palette window" where I select the Acciaccato mode .. so the "shift+note" manipulation wasn't take into account in the main score windows.

An error of beginner, but in the same time I learn , I learn more precisely how to use MuseScore.

Thanks for your answers.

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