Hi. I'm new, this is my first score

• Jul 14, 2010 - 13:55

it's not done, only about half way.

i don't know much about music, i just borrowed a txt book from the library and watched a few vids on youtube to learn how to read it, but i do really love creating it and i wish i chose it in school.

I know, the timpani is a bit overboard

Attachment Size
something common.mscz, 14.06 KB


I was struk in awe at the music I heard... no... It is not music... It does NOT deserve that title... It is a MASTERPIECE! Yes, the Drum Line was loud, but that added a very great feel to it. It kept the piece moving. For someone who just learned music through videos and a text book, and without years of practice, you have a great gift. I slightly envy it, yet I also feel I can still look down upon it aswell. You are extremely great, but when you can, search on youtube "Music Theory lesson" and there is a group of videos this music teacher made, and he teaches you all you need to know about music theory (the basic to advanced structure of music). After each video, he gives you 'homework' to do. If you listen to his videos and do the homework assigned, I am 99.999% positive you could become another great composer, like J. S. Bach, Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, or even Ludwig von Bethoven!

I just started using this program, and I just started my first Serious Orchestrated Piece, "The Climb". Feel free to listen to Part 1.

Attachment Size
The Climb (sunrise).mscz 6.92 KB

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