Slides create extra large spaces in score

• Jun 11, 2015 - 13:08

See attached file.

It illustrates an extra large space that has been created by the addition of a slide after the last note in a bar. It is not clear if these symbols are specifically for one note slides or can also be applied between two displayed notes. Both types are needed, but the space needs to be much tighter (but customisable).

You can use an ordinary line as a substitute but it requires a lot of extra adjustment.

Attachment Size
slides_and_space.mscz 16.45 KB


I believe these are primarily meant as one note slides, because there is no way to attach the endpoints to two different notes and have the angle automatically adjust if the notes change lines. Obviously, they can be used for two-note slides as well if you don't mind manually adjusting them, and since there is currently no better solution in the case of multi-note chords (glissandi can work for slides betwene two single notes).

Anyhow, do you mean the space between the note and the slide? Or the length of the slide itself? You can of course edit either - drag to tighten spacing, double click and drag handle to shorten the slide. Or maybe you mean the space between the slide and the barline? Currently, that is controlled by the same style setting that controls distance from the last note of a measure to the barline, but perhaps the slide should be ignore and allowed to overlap? Can you post some examples from published literature to show how you think it should look?

This is what is needed (from Acoustic Guitar magazine ). The image shows both one note slides and two note slides:


MuseScore currently only has the one-note variety. This probably needs to be adjusted to eliminate excess spacing on both sides when it is applied. But it doesn't have the all-important two note slide connecting notes. The latter needs to be fairly tightly spaced, as shown.

In reply to by geetar

MuseScore currently only has the one-note variety. This probably needs to be adjusted to eliminate excess spacing on both sides when it is applied. But it doesn't have the all-important two note slide connecting notes. The latter needs to be fairly tightly spaced, as shown.

That's wrong. MuseScore does have the two notes slide, in the glissando palette.

Capture d'écran 2015-06-15 11.06.24.png

See attached file. The problem of attaching slides is compounded with chords. The ties can be difficult to select. In this case a neareby accidental is causing problems.

This illustrates the need to improve the implementation of slides by (a) reducing space on either side so that they can be as tight or as loose as the user wants, (b) allowing easy addition of slides to chords, and (c) creating a new two note slide.

The user should be able to edit the slides in the inspector – for dotted or dashed lines – as the user may also wish to differentiate finger and position slides.

Attachment Size
slides_to_chords.mscz 9.35 KB

In reply to by geetar

"The slides only apply to two of the notes. In addition it is impossible to click on the
slide leading to the C# for editing."

More exactly, the three slides are present, but the two first (voice 1) overlap, on the top note. You must separate them manually. Not the best way to receive the expected result, I agree.
You may fill an issue for that.
Repeat the same operation in the Tab staff

I stand corrected. But two-note slide also needs an editing handle to adjust length and angle. And a dotted-line option as well. Something for the feature request forum.

In reply to by geetar

The two-note gliss works between single notes, but doesn't provide sufficient controls to be a general purpose note-to-note slide. That's what I meant when I wrote "there is currently no better solution in the case of multi-note chords (glissandi can work for slides betwene two single notes)". It seems much of framework is in place to allow this, just not the ability to set the end point to a specific note?

I've looked again at this and edited the "in up" one-note slide. Once the one-note slide has been customised by the user, the spacing and appearance are actually very good. So it seems to be a question of the user customising each slide to their requirement and then saving it back to the palette (ctrl + shift and drag).

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