Tempo text

• Jun 12, 2015 - 10:44


I got an issue concerning applying tempo text.

In my previous score it worked fine the way it´s described everywhere by entering "note = xxx" .

This doesn´t actually work in my actual score.

For some barely comprehensible reason I don´t even have an Inspector entry where I can check "follow text" or enter the Tempo manually. ( In the former score I have this )

Perhaps it´s all about the way I´m editing ( or creating ) the Tempo text. I do it either by shift + t and choose "Tempo" in the inspector ... or by shift + capslock + t ( which for me turns out to be the same ? ) and choose "tempo" aswell.

Then I enter a Text and from the opening bottom option bar I choose "special signs" where I can enter notes. By escape I quit the editing mode.

Nothing happens in the second case. :(

Any solution?



Shift+T brings up the master palette, Alt+T brings up a Tempo text directly, which you can then modify to your needs. Or you could use the tempo palette from the workspace.
Ctrl+T though brings up staff text (and Shift+Ctrl+T brings up system text) and even if you enter something there that looks like a tempo text, it is not, so won't get honored in playback

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