A non MuseScore issue

• Jun 28, 2015 - 22:30

Hi, gang!!!

I know it isn't a MuseScore issue, yes I know, but... Please, have a little patience with me, please!!!

It is from my music pupils, (they say: please!!!)

Just in case: There is a cellphone apps which allows us to know the name of some song we play on it. I guess it is some kind of comparison of the melody notes pitch with some kind of melodies database. MuseScore is a notation software and, of course, we can write a melody on it and playback it as wave sound, so... I think it would be a very good sound source to compare it with that kind of melodies database. BUT...

Where is a free PC software to make the comparison to know the name of that melody? Does it exist? Where? ???

Thanks a lot for your time!!!




I admit I'm not sure I understand your question, but would a source like this be of any use to you?


The Musipedia site is probably sufficiently well known that you're already aware of it, but I thought it was worth a shot to suggest it in case you're not.

Just to make it clear, there are two different problems.

  • Find a song which is currently playing on the radio (AcoustID, Shazam, Soundhoud etc...). It uses audio fingerprinting and will match the same recording of a song
  • Find a song by melody or melody contour, Query by humming etc... like on musipedia, kooplet, tunebot, soundhound etc...

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