Stack Guitar Capo Chords Over Pitch Chords

• Jun 29, 2015 - 12:19

I often score music with guitar chords that have a capo option. MuseScore 2.1 provides an easy way to add the capo chord option but the capo chords are shown in parentheses following the pitch chords. I would prefer the capo chords to shown in parentheses ABOVE the pitch chords as is common in most music written with capo chords. Also, the text label "Capo n:" aligned with the capo chords should be included at the beginning of the piece. Is the option to have the capo chords shown above the pitch chords available in
MuseScore 2.1, and, if so, how does one select or adjust for this placement?


Some sort of a "Capo text" to make/change the setting, visibly in the score, similar to "Tempo text" or "Instrument change", or "Staff text" would be good to have, rather than that pretty well hidden setting in Style/General.../Chord Symbols,Fretboard Diagrams.
That place in turn might be the one to modify the style (Capo Chords right|above|none|only...)

FWIW, I think you'll find that putting chapo chords next to the main ones is *also* pvery common. Different publishers, different types of pubpishers. I agree, would be nice to easily support either.

Meanwhile, you can get this manually by creating a separate text style for capo chords, adding the chords manually, and applying that style. Same approach I suggest / use for alternate / optional chords.

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