Chord alignment

• Jul 3, 2015 - 17:08

Hi, some questions from a newcomer about layout for chord names. If I have entered chord names and want to change the height of the chords above the staff, what's the best way to do that?

I have tried changing some property settings, but they didn't seem to change anything (maybe I had the wrong settings, or maybe I need to change the settings before I enter the chords?) I have also tried dragging the chord boxes vertically, but I can only see how to drag them one at a time, and that raises the further question of how to align chord boxes horizontally.

Thanks for any help.
Peter Kirkpatrick


Style settings are indeed the best way to go if you want them all moved. but for the record, if you want to move a set of selected elements, there are two ways. The best is to simply use the offset fields in the Inspector. THis will b completely precise, and will allow you to position other elements the exact same way later rather than relying on eyeballing things. But also, you can drag a set of selected elements by pressing Ctrl when you start the drag (otherwise the act of starting the drag reduces the selection to just the clicked element), and then release Ctrl while before actually dragging (otherwise your drag is restrict to horizontal only).

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