Extended View Mode

• Aug 27, 2010 - 13:59

Hi guys. I've been testing muscore and I have to say this is a great pice of software. To be able to completely change from Finale/Sibelius to MS what I definitely need is and extended View Mode (aka "Panorama" in Sibelius or "Scroll View" in Finale)

I am a C/C++ developer, so checking the code a bit, it looks like to achieve something like this, a new class should be created, something like CExtendedView, maybe a bit similar to the class defined in scoreview.h

I don't know how the development process for new features is, and how developers can get involved.



There is not really a process for getting involved, if you feel you can do it, just try it. You can communicate with the developers via IRC or the developer mailing list. You are very welcome! See [[nodetitle:Development]] for more info, including how to compile MuseScore. Don't hesitate to communicate.

I agree. I usually use technology in the classroom. So instead of a "paper view" I need more of "piano roll style view" or linear view.

Along with this I need to substitute the Treble Clef with an lowering octave with a C clef in second space. Maybe I can just make the substitution in the music font.

I also need to put numbers of the beat for my beginner bell players and a function to analyze a score and make a first staff for the "bells used" with the number of times each bell rings and the total of bells used.

I want also to be able to "mark" a specific note to make individual bell players "particellas". Something like find and mark.

I could not find a software that would help me making form and analysis umbrella notation. Like adding a new staff but with "umbrella notation" (words, where to place the theme, the development, recapitulation, etc.

I am not a programmer but I really like the functions presented in jMusic Is there any relationship? Can you include those functions too? I would love to add the applications >http://jmusic.ci.qut.edu.au/applications.html> like the Histogram, MIDI to Text - Tex to MIDI conversion, Phrase Analysis, etc. Some of the code is available and I may think others would be willing to share it in an open source project.

The last thing I would love to see is a function I have only seen in TAP Music printer Pus (DOS) and is to play step by step forward or backwards. This was so useful for Harmony class and for inversion composing and for "live conducting and like a real tap karaoke. I was missionary in those days and I adapted a "pedal space keyboard" so when I conducted the choir I had a " live" accompaniment !!! That was awesome ... to bad it died.

Thanks. This is one of the best works I have seen in music software. I love the concept of Open Source because with the recollection of many you can really develop something great !!!

Kudos !!!


In reply to by Mephi

Hey, I finally found somebody doing some software for music analysis. This would be great features I will like to see in a notation software. I have not found any offering similar capabilities.

Here is the link:


First I wanted to see a software with "umbrella notation" - Just like another staff where I can use umbrellas to define form. But this Pierre really went far !!! I understand you can color motives, Phrases, great use in counterpoint, and many more things !!! I could not find how to input new music and also is for Mac only, so I guess having a more "universal" or platform independent software would be great.

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