customize accidentals

• Jul 17, 2015 - 06:43

Is it possible to use my "own" microtonal accidentals? I would like to use the extended Helmholtz-Ellis JI pitch notation by Marc Sabat and Wolfgang von Schweinitz, but I can´t :)


These accidentals and many others can be found on the master Symbols palette (press "Z" to display). You can also add them to your own palette for convenience. See the section on "Custom palette" in the Handbook.

BTW, I ran into Marc Sabat online some number of years ago. My name is, as far as I know, unique in the world, but it was a trip to find someone whose name is an initial sub-string of mine - and that much more so to find our paths crossing here!

Hello! Does anyone have a way to incorporate a custom font? My Helmholtz-Ellis accidentals are in Bravura but the design is not my preferred style and I would love to be able to make composite symbols and save them in the master palette. My font is open-source/crossplatform HEJI.ttf and I have no objection if it were integrated. Any thoughts?

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