Importing MIDI and Musescore Bass Staff - Question

• Jul 19, 2015 - 10:30


I am new to Musescore and sheet music, and this is my very first post on this forum.

I have a chord progression exported from FL Studio as a MIDI file, attached below. Now, when I import the MIDI file in Musescore, the chord progression gets split on two bass staves instead of one. I assume it is because I have chord inversions, the chords are spanning two octaves, at least for one or two notes as can be seen in the image attached. However, I want that the entire chord progression be along a single bass staff, so that I can play it all with my left end, and the melody on the treble staff can be played with my right hand.

Could anyone please help me in knowing why would this be happening and how to correct it such that I only have single bass staff for the chords?

If this cannot be avoided, what is the best way, if any, to combine the two bass staves into one?

Thank you so much for any advice. I really appreciate it.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sure, here you go:

Btw, I just figured out the solution to my problem, especially for the song in question. When I imported the MIDI in Musescore, the option "Split Staff" was selected for the Chords channel. I just deselected it, hit Apply, and the staff got combined into one! It was so simple and yet I could not figure it out for at least an hour or so.

Before figuring this out, I also tried this and it seemed to work, but there were some slight issues, probably due to my MIDI file itself. However, this article was relevant and helpful, so linking it below:

Attachment Size
Chord Progression MIDI.mid 1.04 KB

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