No sound in the program.

• Jul 20, 2015 - 15:54

When you press the notes, the program should play sound. When I press - there is no sound.
When I press "Play" - there is no sound. If I switch on the metronome - I only hear the sound of the metronome. Sound in the program is max. loud (under the Control Panel), Computer is Max. loud. For the second time this had happened to me after downloading the update. A very quick answer please, because I have to write notes.


I had the same problem few days ago when I upgraded from version 2.01 to version 2.02.
Then playback also was not working
After few efforts, I found that in Edit>Preferences, in the fourth tab, "Instruments List 1" has to point to "C:/Program Files (x86)/MuseScore 2/instruments/instruments.xml" instead the default which is ":/data/instruments.xml"

In reply to by danilazare

":/data/instruments.xml" is the same file (or rather stems from the same file), but built into the program. It shouldn't have anything to do with playback whether you use this or the 'real' file. Only difference is that you can modify the real files but not the built-in one (not without rebuilding MuseScore at least)

What is your synthesizer showing as the soundfont loaded?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Before I made the change of the path of the instruments.xml file, in the mixer I had no Sound, I didn't hear anything when I entered notes, and didn't hear anything on playback.
After making the change, all this is fixed, it is a fact...

I don't understand your question,
are you meaning what appear on the "Fluid" tab of the synthesizer?

In reply to by danilazare

I suspect that what fixed your problem was something else you did at the same time as the change your made to the location of instruments.xml. The default value *is* correct and should work on any system. You can probably safely change it back to the default at this point, but it also won't hurt anything for now to leave it as it is. If you ever install a new version of MuseScore into a different location you will have problems, though.

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