Not possible to move more than one rest at a time with up/down arrow keys

• Jul 30, 2015 - 16:27

If you select more than one rest at a time, and try to move them with the arrow keys, nothing happens. You have to use the offset in the Inspector instead. It is only possible to move one rest at a time with the up/down arrow key.


Works just fine for up and down, for left and right it works only in the inspector. Left/right requires edit mode and you can't double-click 2 rests and have them both in edit mode

As far as I know, that's just how it is in general for all elements - edit mode only works for individual elements. There is no facility to move multiple elements at once except using the Inspector. And it would be disastrous if mulitply-selected rests would respond to the cursor up/down - that would mean every time you selected a range and used up/down to transpose the notes, the rests would move too.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Not really. Up/down *transposes notes* within a list or range selection. That's not the same as moving them, and it's *only* notes - not rests, or any other elements - that are affected in that way, for good reason. Otherwise the transpose fucntion would be all but useless - it would be impossible to transpose a range without also moving other elements that have no business being moved.

Yes, I should have clarified that it ws only in an up/down direction I was thinking of. The position of rests in guitar music can often overlap with notes in the other voice so it's natural that a user might want to multiselect a group of rests and then use the up/down arrows to move them.

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