Change transposition within one part during a piece

• Aug 2, 2015 - 21:50

Dear people from MuseScore,

First of all thank you very much for creating this wonderful software, I am happily using it on a daily basis.

I am arranging pieces for wind ensemble. One of the instruments is the natural horn. In some classical pieces it's neccessary to change transposition within one piece and within one part from horn in D to horn in C.

I haven't found a way to do this yet. The work-around I use until now is creating two different parts: one for horn in D (with all empty bars after the transposition change) and a second one for horn in C (with all empty bars until the transposition change), but this is not a proper solution.

Corni D muta in C.png Musically and practically this is often being used in classical writing, and it is perfectly doable by one musician. The only thing is I don't know how to write it in one part in MuseScore.

Your help is very appreciated. If there is no proper solution I would like to introduce this as a feature request.

Kind regards,

Hylke Rozema


Your workaround is currently about as good as you can get. You can use "Style / General / Hide empty staves" to produce the appearance of it being one part. Or, you can notate it the way you want it to *sound* on one staff, then copy that staff to another and transpose it by hand to *look* correct. Set the first staff to invisible, the second to mute.

Alloing mid-score transposition changes is high on the list of features I'd like to see for 2.1.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You may also try this

1) Write down the notes as the instrumentist read them.
2)Copy the music with Ctrl+C
3)Transpose the music to the right pitch.
4) Move it to another layer. (i.e. ctrl+alt+2 to layer 2)
5) Hide the music (V)
6)Paste the music you've copied before.
7) Mute the notes using inspector.

It is laborious but it works. The only problem: the abbreviated instrument keeps the same. You have to think some workaround for that.

Attachment Size
Transposition_change_workaround.mscz 5.57 KB

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