Missing note entry - clarification

• Aug 3, 2015 - 14:22

Sorry for the unclear post yesterday.
I meant that the area for entering notes from the computer keyboard is completing the missing (i.e., where you choose whether to enter notes, rests, length of note, etc).. Until late yesterday, it was showing on my computer monitor fine when I had MuseScore open, then it just disappeared completely. It simply isn't there now, and it's not on just one score. It's simply not there regardless of which score I open or even if I start a new score.
That is why I was guessing there must be a toggle somewhere to turn it on or off. I think my only other option would be to completely uninstall the software and reinstall it. I have the latest free version of MuseScore -- I just installed it on a new computer a couple of weeks ago.
I haven't looked yet, but I suspect if I open MuseScore on my old computer, I can still enter notes using the computer keyboard, rather than by typing in names of notes (A,B,C, etc).


If you installed it a couple weeks ago, it may not be the latest version, 2.0.2m which got released July 16th.

I guess you're referring to https://musescore.org/en/node/71936, better to continue there, to keep context...
But indeed there is such a toggle, do a right-click into the menu bar and tick 'Note Entry'
Uninstall/reinstall won't help, but a reset to factory would. No need here though, see above.

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