Getting Started with Measures

• Aug 10, 2015 - 19:44

Hello! I have bee asked to be Choir Accompanist and am trying to re-write a difficult piece to suit my more beginner/advanced stage. But there does not seem to be a clear answer in the Handbook on what i'm seeking. I need about 11 staves on first page and then 12 staves after that per page. There are 4 pages total of music. How do I get it to give me 11 staves on first page? Plus I need 6 measures per in total for the 11 staves there will be 23 measures. Which somehow I need to figure out also how to fit in the lyrics to the music I'm playing with...any willing to help? I've read and read but I tend to not like computers and it becomes more frustrating. But I tried handwritting & it takes too long, and retouching it up makes it look sloppy. Thank you ( I have attached the music copy to give anyone a idea of what I'm trying to start)


You'll have to read the handbook to learn musescore, and it does take a bit of learning. To quickly answer your questions:

>> I need about 11 staves on first page and then 12 staves after that per page. There are 4 pages total of music. How do I get it to give me 11 staves on first page?

First you create a score with two vocal parts and a piano part, input all your notes. Then in order to hide those empty staves, Stlye->General->Score->check "Hide Empty Staves" and uncheck "Don't hide empty staves in the first system"

>>Plus I need 6 measures per stave

Edit->Tools->Line Breaks->Break lines every 6 measures. And then you might have to remove some stretch on all measures to make sure line breaks only occur where you want them.

>> I need to figure out also how to fit in the lyrics to the music

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

I chose the SATB+ paino except as shown in the attachment of the music sheet, the first 2 staves have treble and well long story short, I would like to replicate it as close or exact as possible. The SATB + paino score sheet has it slightly would I get the first stave to look as close to the original piece I'm re-writting?

That first page doesn't show 11 or 12 distinct staves - they are combined into just three *systems* of 2-4 staves each. Each system contains a pair of staves for the choir (which are omitted when they are empty), and another pair of staves for the piano.

So when you create you score, you need to do the same: two insstruments - one for the choir, one for the piano. Easiest way is to just select the "SATB Closed + Piano" template when creating your score. You can then enter your music, and when you are done, you can select "Style / General / Hide empty staves" to hide one or both of the choir staves when they are not singing.

Don't worry until you are done about how measures are on each system or how many systeks are on each page - that is easier to fix up after you enter the music. Most likely you will end up needing to select a smaller staff size if you want everything to fit the same way it did in the original, but again, it's easier to wait until you are done to worry about details like that. What *is* important is that you set up the score with the proper numebr of instruments in the first place: two instruments of two staves each, which is exactly what that template does for you.

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