Attempting to Get 11 systems on 1 page and 12 on the rest.....

• Aug 12, 2015 - 17:45

Hello! I have attached a copy of what I am working far I only have 8 systems on one page, yet I need 11 for 4 pages..per page so to say. Total of 4 pages. Im reading and reading through the handbook but have never been a genius on computer navigations...any advice? So in total I will need 24 measures per page. THANK You for your time to help :)

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Abide_With_Me.mscz 18.47 KB


In reply to by SergiiMashaMixa

If you mean you want a stem to be up instead fo down, simply press "X". But in most cases, this should be handle automatically. It looks liek you have moved a lot of notes sideways. This should never normally be necessary. If you simply enter the notes first, then worry about formatting, things go *much* better, trust me. All you do is create problems like this if you try to fine tune formatting too soon.

To be clear on terminology: you don't want 11 *systems* on a page. A system is a group of staves that sound at the same time. Some of your systems will have 2 staves, others 3, others 4, but you'd probably only want 3 or 4 per page. Three systems of four staves each would bve 12 staves total.

But again, do not try to manage this until you are done entering note.s It quite simply will not wiork.

In reply to by SergiiMashaMixa

Well, correcting mistakes is fine to do right away. Anything that is required to get the right notes into the right measures you can do right away. I just mean, the details of how much fits on a given page, or the exact spacing of notes. This is all stuff MuseScore can help with automatically but you will get wrong results if you try to do it too soon. Just get the notes right, then you can start to worry about formatting. But even then it should almost never be necessary to move notes individually, and it appears you did a *lot* of that, which is why you have notes that are going crazy. Whatever problem you were trying to solve by moving note should be solved differently, and in any case, should wait until you are done. Then feel free to ask for help on the formatting.

BTW, I see also you are using slurs where you presumably mean to be using ties. See the Handbook under Ties for more information. You also seem to have entered accidentals incorrectly - you should read the Handbook and or watch the tutorial videos to understand how they work. It seems you entered notes first then tried adding an accidental to the one note in a measure then hid the naturals that resulted afterwards, but that is not correct. You should enter the accidentals as you go, then the naturals don't appear. It should almost never be necessary to hide accidentals or to move notes, but you did this a lot, and that is why playback doesn't sound right, and why your notes are not lining up correctly. This all happens automatically if you enter things correctly in the first place.

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