measures in a system

• Aug 29, 2015 - 00:52

i am trying to get more measures on a line or system i guess it is called. I am using musescore2. in the previous musescore i would select the measures involved and decrease stretch until the first measure in the next line would pop up on that line. i cannot get musescore2 to do that. i have tried selecting all the measures involved and decrease stretch and it decreases the stretch in all but one measure and keeps stretching that one measure longer and longer and the first measure in the next line never pops up to the first line. the only way i have been able to do it is to insert a measure into the first line and copy and paste measures back until i have the measures where i want them and then delete the extra measure. i do not want to change general style because i do not want the entire score that way, just the one line. the old musescore did that very well. unless i am missing something, musescore2 does not do that at all.


The issue is that the line you want to fit in won't fit, no matter how much you shrink it. This worked before because Musescore wound then completely freak out when it tries to cram too much into too little and have half of the measures overlapping. You're going to need to adjust general style or go in and manually reduce leading/trailing spacing on each chord.

Reducing stretch still works the same way, excpet that as mention, it won't go negative and allow crazy weird things like 1.3 used to. It's possible something else is going on with your particular score; if you post it and give precise steps to reproduce the problem, we should be able to help.

i am new to musescore2, but i am slowly figuring out ways to do what i used to do. I really like the new system. it just takes time to teach an old dog new tricks. thanks for the suggestions.

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