import from musicxml which has french letters like é fails

• Sep 1, 2015 - 09:50


Thanks for the fantastic free app!!! great job!!!
Here is an example of an MUSICXML file which can't be shown in musescore because of the "é" char.
You can remove it and then see that it works fine. (I've created an almost minimal example)
BTW - the error message is wrong too...
Any solution for that?

thx a lot,

Attachment Size
example.xml 1.2 KB


Well, I don't think that é is encoded in UTF-8 as the XML header claims?
So the error message indeed is correct.
Here's that file with the correct UTF-8 enconding of that é.
Unsurprisingly it gets imported correctly.

Attachment Size
example.xml 1.2 KB

I just finished tackling the same issue, when I upgraded to the newest version of MuseScore (which is FANTASTIC!!!) I decided to recreate my Croatian instrument set. Two of the instrument names have accented characters (č). If I put a c in the place, the instruments loaded fine. A č--forget it.

I ended up creating a fake song with lyrics that contained the accented character. Exported as XML, and then copying and pasting the two-character code to replace the character in question.

Oddly enough, I never had that problem with the old version of MuseScore. No probs, though. A good learning experience on dealing with different character sets!

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I edited the instruments.xml file and created and InstrumentGroup called Croatian Instruments. I wanted to add one of our tambura instruments, called a brač. When I typed that into the <LongName> tag, going into the instrument list didn't show that instrument, nor anything below that in the xml file.

            <Instrument id="brac1">
                  <longName>Brač 1</longName>

When I replaced it with

            <Instrument id="brac1">
                  <longName>Brač 1</longName>

It worked and displayed properly. (there are actually 2 characters between the Bra and the space... in my editor they appear as a capital A-umlaut (as is seen here) and a capital T with a hašek (checkmark) on top.

It must be a page encoding thing...

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