Problems importing a midi file

• Sep 3, 2015 - 08:10

Hi. I was trying to import this midi file in Musescore:

The file is opened in musescore, but the formatting is wrong and it plays bad.

If I open the file with finale notepad it opens with the correct formatting and can be saved in .mus format, but it seems that musescore is not able to handle .mus files (is this feature planned?).

You can see the correct formatting here:

I tried to import other midi files from flutetunes, and they worked, but this one doesn't. What am I doing wou can see the correct formatting here:

Thanks in advance for any help (all this is done in order to put the file on musescore songbook on the ipad, in order to my son to play it with accompaniment anywhere, being able to see his part on the ipad).


.mus is a prorietary Format, and as far as I'm aware there are no plans to implement it in MuseScore. But Finale should be able to Export MusicXML, maybe with the help of the Dolet plugin.

In reply to by Ghibli

To elaborate:

MIDI simply does not contain the information needed to display notes "correctly" - it just contains pitch and timing information, nothing about formatting of any kind. So programs have to approximate, round off, guess, etc. it's not a good format to use for the purpsoe of inputting music into a notation program except as a last restor, if you can't find anything better. So definitely you should start by looking for actual MuseScore versions, MusicXML versions if you don't succeed here. If all you can find is MIDI, you can expect to have to do some work to clean it up.

That said, it appears the actual problem is that by default, MuseScore wants to recognize 7-tuplets but not 6-tuplets. You can change that by going to the MIDI import window at the bottom fo the screen just after importing the file, and where it says "Tuplets", disabling the 7-tuplets, then hitting "Apply" to re-import. You will end up with pairs of triplets, which is the same as the origina 6-tuplets.

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