Score Bookmarks

• Sep 6, 2015 - 18:30


I find MuseScore useful also for rehearsing. I want to repeatedly play from specific positions. Right now, it can be a hassle though to get back to the positions I want to start from, especially in long scores. A lot of time is wasted scrolling.

I'd like to be able to quickly return to specific locations that I want to repeat from. It would be very handy if it was possible to define bookmarks in a score. The bookmarks would then be easily accessible in say a panel, so that by just clicking on the bookmark, the play position is set to that location.



Try Ctrl+F, then enter a measure number or rehearsal mark, The latter of course only works when rehearsal marks had been added before...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

But of course, rehearsal marks are just bookmarks by another name. Mark them invisible if for some reason they aren't improtant for the actual score, but my guess is, if they are important enough to want to play from those spots now, they will also be important in a real rehearsal situation.

Thanks for the tip!
Very useful. After a few days of using rehearsal marks and using Ctrl+F to jump to them, I still feel it would be even more useful to also have for instance a dockable panel which lists the rehearsal marks in order of appearance, so that I can just click a mark and jump to that position.


Name Bar
A 24
B 36
Tricky part 44
C 58

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