opening XML-files and mscz-files from 1.3

• Sep 7, 2015 - 06:48

Musescore 2.0.2 can´t open XML-files created in other musicprograms (even from musescore 1.3) . 1.3 does it without any problems. I can´t open my old files from 1.3 in 2.0.2 - is there any way around this?


In reply to by johannesernstsen

There is a ^D (Ctrl+D) in line 83, columns 18 (the sign before the "= 124" tempo text), which seems to a) violate MusicXML Validation and b) throws MuseScore 2.0 off track.
MuseScore 1.3 doesn't do that MusicXML Validation, as far as I know, but that sign doesn't render in 1.x too.
Fixing that in 1.3, exporting to XML and loading in 2.0 leads to another error message ("Fatal error: line 33 column 108 Content of attribute default-x does not match its type definition: 8.35546e-15 is not valid according to xs:decimal.."), but at least the file loads

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo is right, MuseScore 1.3 has produced a MusicXML file with two errors: an invalid character in line 83 and an incorrectly encoded number in line 33.

Unfortunately, MuseScore 1.3 is not maintained anymore, so we can't fix this in 1.3. If you could attach the MuseScore (mscx or mscz file), we could prevent the same issue from occurring in 2.x.

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