Basic questions about bars and adding horizontal lines

• Sep 11, 2015 - 12:00

Version: 2.0.2
Revision: f51dc11
Windows 7.1

In 0001 score, these bars are too dense.
I want to make 4 bars in one horizontal line. How can I do that?

0002 is my first score, I failed to make new horizontal line...
How can I add a new horizontal line?

Thank you for your help.

Attachment Size
0001.png 57.46 KB
0002.png 28.59 KB


Line breaks are indeed what you want, or you could also just change the overall music spacing in Style / General / Measure / Spacing to get wider measures by default.

Not quite sure what you mean about adding a horizontal line. If you mea the extender after a lyric to indicate a syllable is held for several notes, press "_" (see "Lyrics" in the Handbook). Or maybe you just mean, you need more measures, then see Add / Measures.

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