Keybinds to cycle through note durations

• Sep 11, 2015 - 21:57

I'm requesting two key-bindings to cycle through note durations. So instead of pressing 3, 2, 8, etc. for a specific note value, pressing for example Page Up would cycle from a quarter note to half note, then to whole note, and Page Down would cycle in the other direction (or whatever keys one would chose).

Though not specifically an accessibility feature, I think it might benefit in this regard as well. I am trying to rebind a traditional Xbox gaming controller, using a software called Controller Companion that emulates keyboard and mouse, and while the mouse emulation can be used to select a note value (and for anything that requires mouse input anyway), this particular feature request would go a long way to make it a lot more efficient and usable for those with limited motor functions. But this is just a bonus.


Great idea! And already a part of MuseScore, too. ;-) The default keys that do exactly that are [Q] and [W], but you can change the assigned keys in the Preferences.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Aha, using foreign language version, and because the list is alphabetized they are separated quite a lot. New feature request, slight revision of the order of the list, since these functions affect note duration and should be sorted with the rest of them! ;)

Hey! Maybe the entire list and how it functions should be revised. Even the individual note values aren't in a logical order, and only collected together by using a prefix as a slight hack. Not the most important thing to work on, but maybe you know if this has been mentioned before?

Otherwise, I'm now going to pretend you thought my controller experiment was that 'great idea', and ignore that I couldn't find those keybindings myself. Case closed :) Thanks!

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Maybe something changed recently and I am not aware but, as far as I know, [Q] and [W] cycle through note values (back and forth resp.) only while in tabulature staff note input; while in normal node, they half and double (resp.) the selected note value and, in standard staff note input, they do nothing.

The behaviour for tab note input has been added because, in this mode, numbers are used to enter fret marks.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

I think in theory it would be possible to have both: one pair of short cuts to change the duration of the last entered note (current behaviour of [Q] and [W] in standard staves) and another, new, pair of short cuts to cycle through input value durations (current behaviour of [Q] and [W] in tablature input), to be assigned to some keys (either the current ones or other).

However, my experience with tablature input tells me that that the second pair of short cuts would not be an improvement on the current [1] - [9] selection mechanism: after pressing [5], you are sure that the crochet duration have been selected; after pressing [Q] or [W], you are not really sure which duration is selected: you have to rely on your memory of the current status and/or, as it often happens to me, look at the toolbar for a confirmation, which is time wasted and an interruption of the work flow.

In tablature input, this is kind of indispensable, as the digits are taken by fret mark input, but in other context, I am not sure it would be really useful.

Just my opinion, though.

In reply to by Miwarre

It seems to me it could feel natural to have Shift+Q and Shift+W do this. For standard notation, it would sort of mimic how typing a note name like C adds a new chord but Shift+C adds to the modifies the selected chord, except it would be backwards - Q/W would modify the selected chord, Shift+Q/W would affect the next chord to be entered. So we could actually consider reversing this too.

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