How to enter double-dot
I just installed mscore 2.02 on my Linux mint 17.2. I waited a long time for it, and I really love it. It's a quantum leap from ms 1.3.
During note entry, I try to make a dot dot notation, but I can't find how, anywhere. I've made a normal dotted fourth plus a 1/16 note, but it doesn't look so nice.
Of course this isn't a very important problem, but if there's a way I would be delighted to know! :)
there is a "Double-Dot-Button" in the toolbar, just next to the normal dot.
You can also make a shortcut to it under : Edit -> Preferences -> Tab "Shortcuts"
In reply to Hi, there is a by [DELETED] 1307581
Thank you very much! I didn't realize it was there! In fact, I never use the toolbar. I just use keyboard shortcuts. Much faster, at least for regular note input.
In reply to Hi, there is a by [DELETED] 1307581
I'm having a problem about double-dot-button. It's not in my toolbar and I've been looking through everything but still haven't seen it. I would like to try the shortcut but it still doesn't work. Why?
In reply to I'm having a problem about… by CreatorMaker
and change from 'Basic'.