Bar overflow

• Sep 17, 2015 - 14:35

I used the line breaks: Edit->Tools->Line breaks, and set 'break lines every 4 measures'
Did this setting made this problem? How can I restore this bar?

Attachment Size
overflow.png 59.81 KB


restore which bar? For real help you'd need to share the score, not a partial Image of it.

That tool makes sure that there are at most x measures per line, it may still be less on very busy measures, bigger stretch or large 'space' settings.

To eleborate a little:

It's hard to tell what problem you are perceiving, those bars all look fine. I'm guessing *maybe* the previous system had three measures on it, and you were hoping bar 128 would fit with them. If it doesn't adding line breaks won't force it to - you need to make the music smaller (layout / page settings / staff space) or the measure spacing tighter (style / general / measure / spacing, or use the stretch commands).

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