Am I the only one?

• Sep 23, 2015 - 16:44

Hi there. Phoenix DeFalco here. Am I the only one who is disappointed that certain articulations, and other elements don't work the way they should, if they even work at all? Why don't crescendo's and decrescendo's work, for example? Why do you have to manually change the dynamic one note at a time in order to get an audible fade? Also, why don't slurs and slides work? I'd like to write a piece for the violin that involves sliding the finger along the neck to "slide" between notes, and actually have Musescore play that effect so I can hear it...Also, why don't certain ornaments work, such as fermatas, breaths, pauses, etc...?

So, am I the only one wondering any of this? Is there anything the developers can do to address these issues? Please let me know if I'm wrong about any of the questions I've asked! Thanks so much!

~* Phoenix DeFalco *~


These are all things I'm sure we all want, and I'd like to tackle some of these if someone else doesn't first. But there are only so many developers, yet there are so many features and bugs to fix.

Glissandi playback has been implemented in 2.0.2.

Most of the elements you described in your post already affects the playback in MuseScore 2.0.2

* Crescendo and diminuendo play. Only limitation is that they don't work on single note.
* Glissandi play. Short Bend plays too
* Breath marks play
* Fermata play too. By default, they don't but you can change the time stretch in the inspector.
See demo below.

Most of the other playback features are out of the score of MuseScore for now. They could be adressed via a virtual instrument interface.

These features *all* "work", if you keep in mind the purpose of MuseScore is *notation*. They *work* in that they all appear in your score so are visible for musicians to read. Some of them happen to also playback, but that's not the main purpsoe of MuseScore.

As mentioned, crescendos and diminuendos definitely do playback, if you create them properly, and tell MuseScore, using a dynamic marking before/after or using the Inspector, how much you want the volume to change. Fermatas and pauses playback as well. Make sure you have a recent version of MuseScore - some of these features were only added within this past year.

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