Notation help, please

• Sep 25, 2015 - 13:44

I'm lost!
I can't find the way to write the notes in the example attached.
I went through all the documentation: I missed something!
Please help!

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Sans titre.png 6.1 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, Jojo-Schmitz,
I tried it and this seems to work well.
I understand the two notes alternate in rapid succession.
I should have posted the complete measure, as you will see in the attached updated image.
How would the upper notes be written, then, for the expected effect (I understand a triplet, then a single, in rapid succession)?

Attachment Size
Sans titre2.png 10.89 KB

You can notate it but it won't play back correctly. (Well, you could possibly manage that, too, but it would be tremendously time-consuming). It requires a change of the Bar Properties ->Bar Duration and a change to the Note ->Head type.

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Tremello(ish).mscz 7.74 KB

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