Change percussion notes to piano notes

• Oct 27, 2015 - 15:40

I imported a MIDI from my keyboard to musescore, but somehow musescore thinks it is a percussion MIDI while it should be a piano MIDI. I changed the instrument by right-clicking-> stave properties -> change instrument -> piano. Now it is the sound of a piano, but the notes are still for percussion (1line, for me a weird notation :( ) . So there is my question: How can I change the notes from percussion to piano (2lines,...) notes?

Thanks in advance


You could try copy and paste into a new staff. Posting the actual MIDI file you tried importing would help us understand what went wrong and what to suggest,

Please post the MIDI file........

There is a known bug in which MuseScore misinterprets Yamaha System Exlcusive messages resulting in this behaviour, but we need to examine the file in order to ascertain that this is indeed the case.

If it is, then removing the Yamaha SysEx messages from the MIDI file and reimporting will solve the problem.

Please see this thread for details.....

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

At first, thanks for your fast reply :)
I read this thread now, and it should be this bug, because I also recorded it with Yamaha
The problem is, that I am a newbie to midi files, and programming. I downloaded a program (Seq 24) but then had no plan what to do.
So, can you please tell me which program I should use, and how; or how I can run this "<?php
$data = bin2hex(file_get_contents('song.mid')); ..." script on windows 7?

Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
CoL-LeaveTheCastle1.MID 5.53 KB

In reply to by lindraupe

Thanks for getting back :)

Sadly there are not many freeware/open source sequencers available for Windows.

I'm not familiar with Seq24

I use Sonar Professional for all my MIDI and DAW stuff which is of course proprietary software and costs money.

There is an entry level version of Anvil Studio which is freeware which enables you to remove system exclusive and resave the file. A Google search should get you the link to their website.

In the meantime I've attached a copy of your MIDI file with the System Exclusive removed to this post.......

PS The development team is working on a fix from the information I have provided, but I'm not sure how long it will take to be implemented.

Attachment Size
CoL-LeaveTheCastle1NoSysEx.MID 5 KB

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