Use of Audiveris

• Nov 4, 2015 - 09:41

I have used audiveris with Musescore 2.0.2 with varying success.
I have a pdf file of Bach Chorales originally published by the Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities (CCARH) in 2002. It contains 185 4-part chorales for voice.
When I extract a single page (I use Corel pdf Fusion for this) and send it to Audiveris, sometimes the results are perfect but for some pages, all the beamed quavers get rendered as semiquavers (and semiquavers become demisemiquavers). There are no visible differences between the pages in the original pdf which work and those which don't. I attach a pdf which shows the problem on conversion. Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ.pdf
I have tried to upload different varieties of pdf to Audiveris (for instance using a scanner on a printed page) but usually these do not work at all.
Any advice on how to use Audiveris would be appreciated


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